Spanish Lessons for Beginners

List of Regular Verbs – In Spanish, irregular verbs change forms in strange ways, depending on each word sometimes. Regular verbs don’t have these peculiarities, so you can learn and apply tenses to them easily.

In order of frequency (bold for words that are less obviously translated into English):

1 pasar to pass, to spend (time), to happen
2 deber to owe, must, should, ought to
3 quedar to stay, remain
4 hablar to speak
5 llevar to carry, bring
6 dejar to leave, abandon, to let, allow
7 llamar to call, to name
8 tomar to take, drink
9 vivir to live
10 tratar to treat, handle
11 mirar to watch, look at
12 esperar to wait for, to hope
13 existir to exist
14 entrar to enter, go in, come in
15 trabajar to work
16 ocurrir to occur, happen
17 recibir to receive, to welcome, greet
18 terminar to finish, end
19 permitir to permit, allow
20 necesitar to need, require
21 resultar to turn out (to be)
22 cambiar to change
23 presentar to introduce
24 crear to create, to make
25 considerar to consider

26 acabar to finish, end
27 ganar to win, gain, earn, get, acquire
28 formar to form, shape, fashion, make
29 partir to divide, to leave
30 aceptar to accept, approve, to agree to
31 comprender to understand, comprehend
32 lograr to get, obtain, to achieve, attain
33 preguntar to ask, inquire
34 estudiar to study
35 correr to run
36 ayudar to help
37 gustar to please, be pleasing
38 escuchar to listen, hear
39 cumplir to fulfil, carry out
40 levantar to raise, to lift
41 intentar to try, attempt
42 usar to use
43 decidir to decide, settle, resolve
44 olvidar to forget
45 comer to eat
46 ocupar to occupy
47 suceder to happen, to succeed, follow
48 fijar to fix, fasten, secure
49 aprender to learn
50 comprar to buy, purchase

51 subir to go up, rise, move up, climb, raise up
52 evitar to avoid, to prevent
53 interesar to interest, be of interest (to)
54 echar to throw, cast, fling
55 responder to respond, answer, reply to
56 sufrir to suffer, to undergo, experience
57 importar to import, to be important
58 observar to observe
59 imaginar to imagine
60 desarrollar to develop, expand, to unroll, unwind, to unfold
61 señalar to point out, indicate, to signal
62 preparar to prepare, get (something) ready
63 faltar to lack, be lacking, be missing
64 acompañar to accompany
65 desear to desire, want, wish
66 enseñar to teach, instruct, train, educate
67 vender to sell
68 representar to represent
69 mandar to order (give an order), to send
70 asegurar to assure, secure, insure
71 matar to kill, slaughter
72 guardar to guard, protect, to keep
73 iniciar to initiate, begin, start
74 bajar to lower, go down, descend, download
75 notar to note, notice, observe

76 meter to put (in), place, insert
77 pretender to attempt
78 cortar to cut
79 corresponder to correspond with
80 aprovechar to take advantage of
81 apoyar to support, hold up, to back
82 aumentar to increase, add to, rise
83 abandonar to abandon, leave behind, desert, to quit, give up
84 quitar to remove, take away
85 conservar to preserve, conserve, to keep, retain
86 depender to depend
87 compartir to share, to divide (up)
88 consistir to consist
89 funcionar to function, to run
90 insistir to insist
91 anunciar to announce
92 comentar to comment on
93 participar to participate, to share in, to inform
94 escapar to escape
95 tirar to throw, to shoot, to throw away, to pull
96 contestar to answer
97 preocupar to worry
98 prestar to lend
99 pesar to weigh, to weigh down
100 viajar to travel, journey

“I’ve just done something” – a phrase that can be applied to any verb.

Acabo de hablar – I just said (a minute ago, for example)
Acabas de hablar
Acaba de
Acabamos de
Acaban de

“I was going to” – another phrase that can be applied to any verb.

Iba a hablar – I was going to say
Ibas a hablar
Iba a
Ibamos a
Iban a

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