Webbed Swimming Gloves

A guy on here said he had a pair of gloves that did this back in the 90’s, but the “problem is you have to spread your fingers instead of pressing them together. Basically relearning to swim in order to be efficient with these. Can’t use them occasionally & expect them to do anything but cause frustration & fatigue.”
So they’re real training tools.
Some might wonder about pain in the joints and fingers after 2h of swimming, but people who’ve used them say you dont notice them, they will build muscle. So it’s more just the inconvenience.
There are also flat ‘plate’ ones.
Does it remind you of Patrick Duffy in the Man from Atlantis?
You can get these in small and full-hand versions.
Click the picture to see the products and how much they are:
How to Build a Cattlepanel Greenhouse

A greenhouse expands the types of vegetables and plants you can grow, and also the growing season. Not only that, it’s a place to start out trays of vegetables and fruits you want to grow outdoors, to get them off to a good start. before relocating them.
One way to build a greenhouse is the cattlepanel greenhouse. It uses metal wire cattlepanel, combined with a timber frame and poly or other covering. They’re relatively simple to make, and you can make adjustments to your construction as you go along and see what you need.
One reason we don’t just say here’s a plan, do this, is because these are considered a cheap option, and can be built with used parts. Those used parts can vary a lot. Maybe you got a bunch of free 1x3s. Maybe you have a stack of 2x8s left over. Maybe you have a bunch of pallets you can cut up. The other thing is cattlepanel comes in different sizes, so people often base their greenhouse size off of the size of cattlepanel they already have.
But here’s a way to think of the construction process for a greenhouse of this type. One, after you decide what size it will be, build the lower frame of the greenhouse. Basically, you’re building the three sides of the garden beds. You might stack 2x4s or 2x8s, or you might cut up pallets and screw them together. Now that you have your basic frame, you keep it from shifting on the ground by driving in metal rebar stakes and affixing them to the structure. Then you fill the garden beds with soil (you may do this later, though). Now you put on the cattlewire, which will be wobbly at first, so you build a frame for it on each end of the greenhouse. Basically an a frame or a gable frame, or a combination of both, just so long as it holds everything in place. Some people attach cheap foam tubes to the ends of the cattlepanel so it won’t rip through the poly they’ll put on. Now the poly is put on, and often stapled into place. Another option is to put thin pieces of wood at the edges of the poly and nail or screw these to the structure. Here’s one by Peak Prosperity and Sprague River. There you have it. Check out the images:
How to Extract Gold from old Phones

Thinking of going gold panning as a hobby in order to find some gold to stock up on? Or are you thinking of investing in gold or gold stocks? Well, if you’re searching for gold, have you considered searching in old phones and electronics? While gold stocks can be tricky to time in order to enter the market, and owning gold in gold bars or gold coins can be tricky to store or insure, harvesting gold from old electronics is another option.
How is it done? Let’s look at how to do it with an old mobile phone.
First, you take apart all the parts of the phone. The keypad area, in addition to circuit boards, is plated with gold sometimes hidden. In mobile phones, they used thick gold plating for a lot of the chips, and that’s around 18 carat gold.
Also note that the camera phone may have gold in the camera (circuit board, ccd camera, and connector) but not necessarily in the rest of the phone.
Look for gold wire in the electric circuit connections.
Mobile phones will often have a core that is a gold plated PCB board, as well as gold wire in the IC chips, connector pin, and as mentioned above, the camera.
The process we’re looking at it gold stripping, and you need to be very careful when doing this, as you I’m sure know, because it involves pouring sulfuric acid in the breaker IC chips. There is protective clothing, gloves. After the gold is exposed this way, pour water to clean it, but remember there is a chemical reaction that takes place when water and sulfuric acid meet, which is another point of caution.
If you’re still interested in the process at this point, you probably are comfortable and knowledgeable on how to treat electronics with chemicals, and you can watch this slightly long video on how to do it by Archimedes Channel. The only thing is it’s narrated by a computer.
This method harvests 24k, 99.9 percent gold.
By the way, did you know Japan was encouraging people to turn in phones before it hosted the Olympic Games, in order to make winning medals out of recycled gold from electronics? Yup.
For what electronics have the most gold in them, click here.
These are the old electronics that have the most Gold in them

Finding gold is a dream a lot of people have. Owning gold in the form of gold bars, coins, or eve flakes has a lot of interesting things involved in it: the bright, smooth, maleable metal ties you to so many interesting and important parts of world history, national history, tales of gold rushes, arts and crafts fabricated in the world’s ancient kingdoms with gold; it’s also valuable in real terms, and the value of gold can go up (some people chose to buy gold for this reason, and other invest in gold stocks, which generally go up along with gold, but don’t involve having to find a place to put your physical gold or to insure it), and gold is considered a good investment in uncertain times. When the value of the dollar currency is uncertain, and goes down, like in times of dramatic inflation, gold is seen as a safety currency, and there are gold investors who invest in gold and gold stocks for just this reason. Some people now say bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are other alternatives and possible safeties, but we haven’t seen this fully tested yet against events.
Let’s just say, though, that a lot of people like to own gold. It’s hard to find it in nature, because the mineral is extremely limited, and it’s thought all the big gold mines have already been found and mined, leaving ones with less and less gold to harvest. But some gold that has already been used is available to be ‘mined’ in a sense, and that is gold used in electronic parts. Some electronics, though, have more gold in them than others.
What Electronics Have the Most Gold in Them?
Typically, computers and tv sets have the most gold inside them. Other electronic devices that have gold are cameras, radios, and media players. The circuit boards of older models generally used more gold in them than the newer ones.
Other things include phones, tablets, and consoles, and these include trace amounts of gold.
Now for some details, if you harvest the gold from 2000 pc circuit boards, which is what you would find in 200 complete laptops, you would find around 5 troy ounces of gold. If you’re looking for computers, older desktop models from the 90s and earlier, and supercomputers if you can find them, have the most gold.
With TVs both old tube tv and new flatscreens contain gold in the circuit boards, and that includes plasma flat screens also. With cameras, a similar picture, with both film and digital still camera’s having gold, as well as old VHS camcorders and smaller ones too.
Another thing that might come to mind for you is gaming consoles, and yes, like other electronics, they contain gold.
For more on the process of extracting gold from old phones and electronics, click here.
Rooftop Hammocks

Who hasn’t wanted a Jeep or other offroad-friendly and also convertible machine to get around in in the warmer months? The other great thing about Jeeps is the boxy, roomy frame that allow vehicle owners to drop in all kinds of other engines and parts to customize their ride as they see fit. Here’s another conversion: it’s a hammock that comes ready to string up between the rollbars of Jeeps! You can set one or two of these up in a minute and relax sprawled out, which is one of the only drawbacks of Jeeps versus longer and more plush RVs like vans, suburbans, and motorhomes.
Well, actually, These rooftop hammocks aren’t the only option, and some people will want to do this, and others will want something a little easier to access, perhaps. Jeep and other RV owners have come up with a number of solutions for this, stringing hammocks up to bars mounted to the chassis, some that fold outwards, or between the vehicle and a tree, or between two vehicles! Check them out in the photos.
Volkswagon’s New e-Bulli Crossover Between a Classic Van and and All-Electric

This is an effort by Volkswagon to combine two things in high demand these days: The classic style of their 1960’s vans with the green functionality of their 2020’s electric drives. It’s a classic VW van with zero road emissions.
According to Hannover, “Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (VWCV) is presenting for the first time the e-BULLI, an all-electric vehicle that produces zero emissions on the road. Equipped with the drive system components of the latest Volkswagen electric vehicles, the concept vehicle is based on a T1 Samba Bus produced in 1966 and comprehensively restored. The stage for the world premiere was to have been Techno Classica 2020. As it has been postponed, VWCV is now presenting it virtually. An important message for all fans of the Bulli and of electric mobility: the combination of high-end classic and high-tech electric vehicle will be available to buy for real. VWCV partner eClassics is planning to offer T1 conversions and T1 complete vehicles in the style of the new e-BULLI.”
VW worked with electric car conversion specialists to come up with a suitable design for the T1 Samba Bus e-BULLI. It has a new VW 61kw electric motor, almost twice as powerful as the original 32kw boxer engine of the 1966 T1 classic van.