Script and Screenwriting Resources

Point break transcript (made from the finished movie) – 10,000 words

Point break script (Bigelow/Cameran re-write of Peter Iliff’s original script – 30,000 words


How to do Google Adsense for websites

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Spanish regular and irregular verbs - LISTS

Common regular -ar verbs

amar to love
ayudar to help
bailar to dance
cambiar to change
cantar to sing
dejar to leave
entrar to enter
esperar to wait, hope
expresar to express
ganar to win, earn
gastar to spend, waste
hablar to speak
lavar to wash
limpiar to clean
llamar to call
llevar to take, to wear
mandar to order
marchar to walk
mirar to watch, look
montar to climb
nadar to swim
olvidar to forget
pagar to pay
parar to stop
preparar to prepare
quedar to stay
tirar to pull, draw
tomar to take, drink
trabajar to work
viajar to travel

Common regular -er verbs

aprender to learn
barrer to sweep
beber to drink
comer to eat
comprender to understand
correr to run
deber to have to, should
leer to read
meter to put, insert
prender to catch, turn on
romper to break
temer to fear, dread
toser to cough
vender to sell

Common regular -er verbs

aprender to learn
barrer to sweep
beber to drink
comer to eat
comprender to understand
correr to run
deber to have to, should
leer to read
meter to put, insert
prender to catch, turn on
romper to break
temer to fear, dread
toser to cough
vender to sell

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