10 Unbelievable Facts

10 Unbelievable Facts

As kids, our parents fed us with all the things they wanted us to believe. But hey, there are more amazing things you’d wish you knew when you were kids so you get to brag about them among your friends!

Kidding aside, here are some unbelievable facts you can now pass on to your kids:

1. The initials “TDC” are engraved somewhere in the moon.

When you thought Neil Armstrong is the luckiest man in the world for having his footsteps engraved on the moon, being the first man to ever set foot on it, you’d be more envious of a little girl for having her initials there even if she hasn’t traveled to outer space. Gene Cernan, so far, was the last to walk on the moon, and he promised his little girl he’d write her initials when his outer space travel gets successful. What a lucky girl, indeed.

2. Worst traffic lasted for 12 days.

In August 2010, a 62-mile traffic jam was recorded among vehicles passing by the Beijing-Tibet Expressway. What’s ironic about this is that the traffic jam was due to road construction, which was supposed to ease traffic congestion in China.

3. You are shorter in the evening than in the morning.

..by 1%, at the very least! Yes, your height decreases by 1% in the evening. This is because your spinal discs, located between the spinal bones and are composed largely of water, compress when you stand and walk. Now, if you sleep at night, the discs are relieved and expand again.

4. A giraffe can clean its own ears.

It doesn’t need any caretaker to clean his ears as it uses its 21-inch tongue during the cleaning.

5. Men are more likely to be killed when lightning strikes 6 times than women.

In 2013, the Centers for Disease Control revealed data that cases of men looked up for the study are struck by lighting six times than women in the United States.

6. The number of words posted each day on Twitter can actually fill a 10-million page book.

While each Twitter post is limited to 140 characters, Twitter reveals that 500 million tweets are sent on a day-to-day basis.

7. England’s official language for six centuries is French.

This explains why most England natives know how to speak French, and why their culture is pre-dominantly influenced by France.

8. A quarter of Los Angeles is filled by vehicles.

As they say, nobody walks in Los Angeles. In 2010, LA recorded 6 million vehicles in urbanized areas out of 11 million population.

9. On an average per year, there are 2,500 left-handed persons who die.

This is because of using devices and other stuff initially designed for right-handed persons.

10. Dogs are actually capable of understanding human gestures and words.

In fact, a dog can understand at least 25 words and are even proven to understand mathematical problems.

Now that you know, be sure to share to everyone!