These Self-Assemble Tiny Houses From $3,600

These Self-Assemble Tiny Houses From $3,600

Most of us have a good idea of how we would like to decorate our home, but how many of us have a good idea of how to transform our backyard from an empty space to a special place for some of our favorite enjoyments … or for our favorite people?

Here’s the good news: This problem is easily solved with the help of the Natural Gardener Company. They are ready to supply you with a home kit for your perfect backyard build! If you can not build it yourself, they even give you the option to purchase a kit that they will put together for you!

Tiny homes starting as low as $3,600.00 can suite your needs and fit your backyard. From a gazebo space enclosed to keep you and your morning paper dry on a rainy day, to a guest house perfect for the in-laws over the holiday season, you are sure to find the build for you! Lets look at one of their structures that is large enough to serve as a guest house among other things. The Byron Summer home has a really unique “L” shape that is accented beautifully with tall windows.

This home could work as guest accommodation, detached office, man cave, or entertainment center. You can use it for friends and family when they come to visit, to give them a little extra privacy, or you can use it as a house rental. Whichever way you choose to use this build it is sure to look good! The Byron Summer Home — pictured above — stands 10 ft tall and features two folding front door entrances, a patio area, and many windows to bring in lots of natural light! The structure is made of wood, which means you can leave your build in its natural state, stain the wood, or paint it to match your home! Not only that, but there are various options for structures and layouts from the company.

The Natural Gardener Company makes it possible for you to really use your backyard. It is not limited to a sunny day, perfect weather, or a nice view. You can have full year round use in any of their structures. You pick your build, maybe build it yourself, and simply enjoy rest! So go get the build perfect for your backyard and start making use of the space behind your home!

For more information of The Natural Gardener Company, find them in the tiny home directory.

Smaller homes are less expensive than larger ones in terms of taxes and building, heating, maintenance, and repair costs. The lower cost of living may be advantageous to those 55 and older with little savings. In addition to costing less, small houses may encourage a less cluttered and simpler lifestyle and reduce ecological impacts for their residents. The typical size of a small home seldom exceeds 500 square feet (46 m2). The typical tiny house on wheels is usually less than 8 ft by 20 ft, with livable space totaling 120 square feet or less, for ease of towing and to exempt it from the need for a building permit.

Small houses may emphasize design over size, utilize dual purpose features and multi-functional furniture, and incorporate technological advances of space saving equipment and appliances. Vertical space optimization is also a common feature of small houses and apartments.

As small houses may be attractive as second homes or retirement houses—two out of five people are over 50—their increased utilization may lead to development of more land. People interested in building a small home can encounter institutional “discrimination” when building codes require minimum size well above the size of a small home. Also, neighbors may be hostile because they fear negative impacts on their property values.There has also been opposition based on this fact, due to concerns about increased taxes.

By Alison LaPaglia

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These Self-Assemble Tiny Houses From $3,600

These Self-Assemble Tiny Houses From $3,600